Stock Quote Add-In For Excel 2016 and 2013
The Stock Quote add-in is using the Google Finance service to retrieve the stock quotes. The service seems to be terminated by Google in March 2018. The add-in is currently not working.
The new version is now using the Google Finance API and is not compatible with the old add-in. Google Finance uses other ticker symbols. A new search dialog is now available and more data values can be retrieved. The old Stock Quote add-in was using the Yahoo Finance service to retrieve the stock quotes. The service has been terminated by Yahoo on 11/01/2017.
Many years ago Microsoft was providing the MSN MoneyCentral Stock Quotes Add-In for Excel and it was a really neat tool, but all of a sudden the tool was not available anymore. My Stock Quote Add-In For Excel is a replacement of that old MSN Add-In, based on the fantastic Excel-DNA library to retrieve stock data from the Google Finance site using a new Excel function.
The add-in is providing an Excel function called PSQ to retrieve stock data like open, last, low, high or name for the passed symbol. See the following formula samples:
- =PSQ(A1;”PRICE”), =PSQ(A1;”CLOSE”), =PSQ(A1;”LAST”) or just =PSQ(A1)
- =PSQ(A1;”OPEN”)
- =PSQ(A1;”LOW”)
- =PSQ(A1;”HIGH”)
- =PSQ(A1;”LOW52”)
- =PSQ(A1;”HIGH52”)
- =PSQ(A1;”NAME”)
- =PSQ(A1;”DATE”) => NOT last trade date, just date of last query
- =PSQ(A1;”TIME”) => NOT last trade time, just time of last query
- =PSQ(A1;”TICKER”) or =PSQ(A1;”SYMBOL”)
IMPORTANT: DATE and TIME are the timestamp of the last query, not the last trade date. Google Finance API is not returning the this kind of data anymore.
German Edition of Excel 2016
German Edition of Excel 2013
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